Aboriŧ Aboriŧ sa na vronol aijok na ailetous ecoinol ehanœte sośute euv vamysdi. Si euril caizom elot tlud ke leika hem ude igau ecoin oku leika het edmo ke het voisil œl ylsed. Si antiga hem koiźetot diek vamysdi. Tagirn, na ejudicot, tigate het mlegœ œlem boglot taile Damisk, na teśfuso œl ecoinol œl edmosk ke Damisk skeifu het Tagirn aporau Tagirn likate het siga skeħ œl boglot lœs Damisk. Źac na eutijumcy œl Damisk sa na elu œl Tagirn, ke na vamysdi sa rosem umi oisk. Aporau si umoite het oćla taile taina lanc ke si teju het kesis ete timna ćief ke si caizotecate hetem umi œli ćeil lumieź ke si tigate het emi deic iśnyg an oisk œl Damisk aijoca sa caizo śrau ke si sertore, “Bog đatoi nem œli œl Tagirn. Otigate het emi, Aboriŧ! Eizomyte! Eisijifite han umi oisk zom śrau!” Ke bejuvamu na boglot ke emi ankoiźete euv vamysdi ke na umi nidemot ke umi grepu han fiprul œlem boglot œl Damisk ke œvamu het emi zom umi oisk ke umi onite het Tagirn zom Damisk ke umi sertore het aśvut ćeil ośvotne ke slyśa do emi oko deicous tigacom hem boglot tailem œl edmosk. ------------------------------- Nouns Two genders: Animate and Inanimate Relative Pronouns Relative pronouns exist in four forms based on number and gender Gender Singular Plural Animate aijok aijokem Inanimate aijoca aijona Dictionary form of verbs is realis imperfective Verbs Inflected for Aspect and Mood. Two aspects: Imperfective & Perfective Two moods: Realis & Irrealis Inflection • Aspect • Imperfective: uninflected form of verb. • Perfective: • Regular formation • Ending in hard consonants (d, g, h, ħ, k, n, r, t, ŧ): -e • Ending in soft consonants (c, ć, đ, l, n, ń, s, ś, z, ź) : -i • Ending in ambiguous consonants (b, f, j, m, p, v): -u • Ending in vowel: -tu • Mood • Realis: uninflected • Irrealis: • Beginning with hard consonants: o- • Beginning with soft consonants: ei- • Beginning with ambiguous consonants: a- • Beginning with vowel: đ- Voice Asirka has two voices, active and passive. In active voice the subject does the action designated by the verb. To form the passive voice, prefix the verb with b(a)- In passive voice the subject undergoes an action or has its state changed. The verb is unmarked and is the same form for both voices. To form the passive voice the instrumental preposition is used with the personal pronoun to indicate the subject. Active Voice: Het rote kobe on. I hit the ball. Passive Voice: Na rote bakobe ćeil on. The ball was hit by me. Infinitives • Formation by common suffix –(c)om • Exist in forms inflected for aspect and mood enei to believe Realis imperfective infinitive: eneicom Realis perfective infinitive: eneitucom Irrealis imperfective infinitive: đeneicom Irrealis perfective infintive: đeneitucom Imperatives can be used in any verb form. Irrealis Perfective imperatives are given by those in highest power such as king, commander, or deity Prepositions Every noun is preceded by a preposition including nominative and accusative cases. Noun plurals are indicated by an ending on the preposition. • Plural – indicated by suffix to preposition (q.v.) • –(e)m (animate) • –na (inanimate) In old Asirka, there was a separate particle that indicated a plural. An accusative preposition existed and was required. Over time, the particle became less common slowly becoming a contraction with the associated preposition. The nominative preposition arose from the need to still mark singular and plural. Though colloquially, the nominative or accusative prepositions could be omitted, plural forms required the preposition. In the nominative preposition na its plural forms are nem and nan (originally naem and nana) . The accusative preposition, het, in its plural forms are hem and han (originally hetem and hetna) Adjectives Precede their antecedents and agree in gender If an adjective ends in vowel, there is no ending animate: -ous inanimate -a Possessive Adjectives Possesive Adjectives Singular Plural First Person un œhi Second Person uhi œs Third Person Anim & Inan uja umi Personal Pronouns Exist in one form only. Are preceded by a preposition except for nominative Personal Pronouns Singular Plural First on Inclusive hi Exclusive adi Second hej us Third Animate si emi Inanimate lal Lexicon Irregular prepositions are followed by animate plural and inanimate plural Irregular verbs are followed by realis perfective, irrealis imperfective, irrealis perfective Form Part of Speech Meaning Aboriŧ noun Proper noun aijoca see aijok aijok Relative Pronoun who/what ailet Adjective many an Preposition from ankoiźe Verb stray antiga Verb lead astray aporau Conjunction because aśvut Noun, animate oath atoi Verb close atoiti đatoi đatoiti bog Particle precedes irrealis to signal a wish boglot Noun, animate soldier caizo Preposition above caizom caina caizom see caizo caizoteca Verb cover ćeil Preposition by ćief Noun, animate chief Damisk noun Proper noun from a later language deic Preposition around deicem deisna deicous Adverb again diek Preposition into do Conjunction that ecoin Noun, animate person ecoinol Noun, animate race edmo Noun, inanimate tie edmosk Noun, animate birch ehanœ Verb believe ejudicot Noun, animate commander ejuvam Verb broadcast elot Adjective two elu Noun, animate sibling emi Pronoun they es Verb be sa eis isi ete Preposition to euril Verb stand eutijumcy Noun, animate spouse euv Preposition in euvem eufna fiprul Noun, inanimate weapon grep Verb steal han see het hem see het het Preposition accusative preposition hem han hetem see het igau Preposition as igaum igauna iśnyg Noun, inanimate cask ke Conjunction and kesis Noun, inanimate scythe koiźetot Noun, animate traveller lanc Noun, inanimate lance leika Verb hold likate eileika eilikate lœs Preposition than lumieź Noun, inanimate weaving mlegœ Noun, animate multitude na Preposition nominative preposition nem nan nem see na nidemot Noun, animate wise man oćla Noun, inanimate pelt œl Preposition of œlem see œl œli Noun, animate eye œvam Verb send oisk Noun, inanimate land oko Particle not oku Conjunction but oni Verb bear ośvotne Noun, animate crown ros Preposition near rosem see ros sa see es sertor Verb declare si Pronoun third person singular siga Adjective indicates comparative sijifit Verb mow skeħ Noun, inanimate quantity skif Verb fear skiefu eiskief eiskiefu slyśa Noun, inanimate sword sośu Verb dwell śrau Noun, inanimate floor Tagirn noun Proper noun from a later language taile Preposition against tailem taina tailem see taile taina see taile tej Verb give teśfuso Noun, animate chief tiga Verb lead timna Noun, animate woman tlud Noun, animate foot ude Noun, animate hand umi Adjective their umoi Noun, animate water vamysdi Noun, animate forest voisil Noun, inanimate front vronol Noun, animate creature ylsed Noun, animate bear źac Adverb now zom Preposition to zomyt Verb come Smooth English Aborið is a creature who is said to dwell in the forest. He stands with his two feet together and has hands like a man but has fur and the face of a bear.He leads travellers astray in the forest. Tagirn led the commander of a host of soldiers against Damisk, the leader of the Birch people and Damisk was afraid of Tagrin because Tagrin had more soldiers. But Damisk's wife was Tagirn's sister and the forest was near their lands. For this reason she wore a spear catching pelt and she gave a scythe to the chief woman and she blind folded him and led them around a barrel from the land of Damisk which was on the ground and she said, "Let the eyes of the people of Tagrin be closed. Lead them, Aborið. Come and mow down their land!" And the soldiers were scattered and they strayed in the forest and came a small like minded group of them and they took the weapons of the soldiers of Damisk and sent them to their land and they brought Tagrin to Damisk and they gave an oath by the crown and sword to not lead soldiers against the tree people a second time.