# Tirkunan Full Text, LCC10 Relay by Henrik Theiling, 2023-02-12..13 translated from Asirka by Scott Villanueva-Hlad version 2023-02-13T21:40:30+01:00 ## Text Pau Astra Rabul Mrut popra cuit ci Pau Astra Rabul e ginrat ce viu ni bosc. Suteni se ni do pren i tenu man com gen, sinu tenu faci i panc com us. Cul ginrat cufundu viacatur ni bosc i nduc eli ni priduti. N'un irun, cumantur Brinaldi nduc mrutitat miltar cuntra Druci, rei popra bitul. Druci temu Brinaldi pi ci Brinaldi tenu pru miltar ci Druci. Cumum, spus Druci e griman Brinaldi, i bosc e aprup pais Druci. Druci a fricat lamra frac cu pel i dat frac a spus. Spus cunus racu camin sicrit i nduc miltar Druci, ce copri ocra se cu tisut, furi pais Druci, i aprup nimic. La, Druci leva se i diclar: "Ocra Brinaldi va diveni crusat! Va nduc eli i miltar ni bosc a Pau Astra Rabul ce sa cufundu tut! Va veni! No va cupas pais nimic!" I sim aveni. Miltar Brinaldi fu tintat ni bosc u predu anurtar. I gen nginius di Druci fur tut ram di miltar nimic, i miltar fu mandat napui a lar, i rei nimic fu trait avan Druci. Brinaldi deu iur a curun i a grai ci mai pru veni ritron upur nduc miltar cuntra popra bitul. ## Interlinear Pau Astra Rabul Father Step- Tree Mrut popra cuit ci Pau Astra Rabul Many people think that father step- tree e ginrat ce viu ni bosc. is [a] creature that live[s] in [the] forest. Suteni se ni do pren i tenu man com gen, [It] sustain[s] _self on two leg[s] and has hand[s] like folk, sinu tenu faci i panc com us. but has [a] face and [a] belly like [a] bear. Cul ginrat cufundu viacatur ni bosc That creature confuse[s] traveller[s] in [the] forest i nduc eli ni priduti. and lead[s] them in[to] perdition. N'un irun, cumantur Brinaldi nduc mrutitat miltar cuntra On one day, commander Brinaldi lead[s] [a] multitude [of] soldier[s] against Druci, rei popra bitul. Druci, [the] ruler [of the] people [of the] birch. Druci temu Brinaldi pi ci Druci fear[s] Brinaldi for that Brinaldi tenu pru miltar ci Druci. Brinaldi has more soldier[s] than Druci. Cumum, spus Druci e griman Brinaldi, However, [the] spouse [of] Druci is [a] sibling [of] Brinaldi, i bosc e aprup pais Druci. and [the] forest is near [the] land [of] Druci. Druci a fricat lamra frac cu pel Druci PAST rubbed [the] blade [of a] scythe with [a] hide i dat frac a spus. and given [the] scythe to [his] spouse. Spus cunus racu camin sicrit i nduc miltar Druci, [The] spouse know[s] some way[s] secret and lead[s] [the] soldier[s] [of] Druci ce copri ocra se cu tisut, who cover [the] eye[s] [of] _selves with cloth, furi pais Druci, i aprup nimic. out [of the] country [of] Druci, and close [to the] enemy. La, Druci leva se i diclar: There, Druci rise[s] _self and declare[s]: Ocra Brinaldi va diveni crusat! [The] eye[s] [of] Brinaldi IMP become closed! Va nduc eli i miltar ni bosc IMP lead him and [his] soldier[s] in[to] [the] forest a Pau Astra Rabul ce sa cufundu tut! to father step- tree who OPT confuse [them] all! Va veni! IMP come! No va cupas pais nimic! We IMP crush [the] land [of the] enemy! I sim aveni. And so [it] happen[ed]. Miltar Brinaldi fu tintat ni bosc [The] soldier[s] [of] Brinaldi PASS_PAST lured in[to] [the] forest u predu anurtar. where [they] lost orientation. I gen nginius di Druci fur tut ram And [the] folk ingenious of Druci stole all weapon[s] di miltar nimic, from [the] soldier[s] [of the] enemy. i miltar fu mandat napui a lar, and [the] soldier[s] PASS_PAST sent back to [their] home, i rei nimic fu trait avan Druci. and [the] ruler [of the] enemy PASS_PAST pulled in_front_of Druci. Brinaldi deu iur a curun i a grai Brinaldi must swear to [the] crown and to [the] sword ci mai pru veni ritron upur nduc that never more FUT [he] return or lead miltar cuntra popra bitul. [his] soldier[s] against [the] people [of the] birch. ## Translation The Tree Bogy Many people think that the Tree Bogy is a creature that lives in the forest. It stands upright on two legs and has hands like a human, but it has a face and a belly like a bear. This creature confuses travellers in the forest and leads them into perdition. One day, commander Brinaldi led a multitude of solders against Druci, the ruler of the Birch People. Druci feared Brinaldi because Brinaldi had more soldiers. However, Druci's spouse was a sibling of Brinaldi's, and the forest was close to Druci's land. Druci rubbed the blade of a scythe with hide and gave it to the spouse. The spouse knew secret paths and led Druci's soldiers, who covered their eyes with a cloth, out of the country and close to the enemy. There, Druci arose and declared: Brinaldi's eyes shall be closed! Lead them with their soldiers into the forest to the Tree Bogy who shall confuse them all! Come! We will crush the land of the enemy! And so it happened. Brinaldi's soldiers were lured into the forest and lost orientation. Druci's ingenious people stole all the weapons from the enemy soldiers, and the soldiers were sent back home, and the enemy ruler was pulled before Druci. Brinaldi had to swear an oath on the cross and on the sword that never again will they return or lead soldiers against the birch people. ## Grammar Tirkunan is a Romance language deriving from Vulgar Latin. It has lost most of the inflectional morphology of Latin and Romance languages in general. Derivational morphology is still strong. Grammar is fairly similar to many Romance languages, particularly Catalan, Romanian, and Sardinian, but the morphological simplification causes some important differences. Definiteness is optionally marked, but most often missing, i.e., the articles for 'the' and 'a' (_li_, _lur_, and _un_) are often left out. Word order is strictly SVO, even for subject and object pronouns. Subject pronouns are often dropped. Adjectives follow the noun. Determiners precede the noun phrase. There are no personal endings on verbs. There is no number marking except in some pronouns (_mi_ 'I' vs. _no_ 'we') and in the articles: _li_ 'the (sg.)' vs. _lur_ 'the (pl.)'. However, the article is usually dropped. There is no grammatical gender. With it, most man vs. woman distinctions were lost, and the vocabulary reflects this by just having one form for male and female function noun, e.g., _rei_ for both 'king' and 'queen' (glossed also as 'ruler'). The typical Romance preposition _di_ 'of' is optional and usually dropped. _di_ also means 'from, away from' and in this sense, it is not dropped. There are no distinct possessive pronouns, but possession is expressed by a _di_ construction with the normal pronouns: _pau di mi_ 'my father'. Note again that _di_ is usually dropped, so _pau mi_ for 'my father' is the usual expression. Furthermore, _di_ plus pronoun is often dropped altogether, and the possessive is left to be understood from context, particularly with words of kin. Adverbs may be in many positions in the sentence: starting the sentence or before or after the verb. Tense, aspect, and mood are marked analytically by auxiliary verbs that precede the main verb. Tense is optional and usually needs to be derived from adverbs or context. There is one irregular verb: _e_ 'to be, is, are', which has some special forms for which other verbs use auxiliaries: _fu_ is past tense, _sa_ is optative. All special functions of _e_ (e.g., passive auxiliary) alse use these special forms (e.g., _fu_ is the passive past auxiliary). Several verbs are both full verbs and auxiliaries, e.g., _veni_ is 'to come' and also the future tense auxiliary. In passive and past constructions, the main verb takes the form of the past passive participle for which -(a)t is added to the verb. This could be analysed as inflectional morphology, the only instance of it. However, -(a)t is also derivational and yields adjectives and nouns, like in English 'to choose' => 'the chosen one'. Derivational suffixes are listed in the lexicon, but since many words with suffixes are lexicalised into a somewhat unpredictable meaning, the lexicon often also lists the full word. But not always, sometimes the derivational endings needs to be found from the suffix list and the main lexicon. In any case, only suffix morphology is shown. There are also prefixes, but these yield much more unpredictable meaning and, therefore, the full lexicon entries are always listed here -- so there is no need to care about prefix morphology here. Stress is on the last syllable if the word ends in a consonant (or in monosyllabic words), or on the penult if the word ends in a vowel. This is completely regular, without exceptions. Vowels are /a e i o u/ in stressed syllables, and only /a i u/ in unstressed syllables. When suffixes are added, the stress often shifts and vowels /e o/ collapse into /i u/, e.g.: _leva_ 'rise' + _-(a)t_ gives _livat_ 'risen'. As can be seen, stress and vowels are important to check in derivation, because vowels in words with suffixes may change. Some adverbs can be suffixed with -um to make an indefinite or relative adverb, e.g. _ce_ 'who, what' + _um_ = _cium_ 'someone, something' or 'whoever, whatever'. Adjectives can be used as nouns without any marking, in the sense of 'red' => 'a/the red one'. ## Abbreviations FUT ; future tense IMP ; imperative mood OPT ; optative mood PASS ; passive voice PAST ; past tense adj. ; adjective adv. ; adverb aux. ; auxiliary art. ; article conj. ; conjunction dem. ; demonstrative det. ; determiner indef. ; indefinite interr. ; interrogative n. ; noun num. ; numeral pers. ; personal prep. ; preposition pron. ; pronoun prop. ; proper rel. ; relative suff. ; suffix v. ; verb ## Suffixes -ar ; suff.v.>.n. ; -ing; action nominalizer -ati ; suff.v.>n. ; -ation; abstract noun -at ; suff.v.>adj. ; -ed, past passive participle -atur ; suff.v.>n. ; -er; agent noun -itat ; suff.adj.>n. ; -ity; abstract noun -r ; suff.v.>.n. ; = _-ar_ after vowel -tat ; suff.adj.>n. ; = _-itat_ after vowel -ti ; suff.v.>n. ; = _-ati_ after vowel -t ; suff.v.>adj. ; = _-at_ after vowel -tur ; suff.v.>n. ; = _-atur_ after vowel -um ; suff. ; some-, -ever; adverb indefinitizer, relativizer -us ; suff.n.>adj. ; -ous, being _, having _, much like _ ## Lexicon anort ; v. ; orient (s.t. or oneself) a ; prep. ; at, to, towards aprup ; prep. ; near, close to astra ; adj ; step- (as in stepfather) avan ; prep. ; before, in front of a ; v.aux. ; PAST aveni ; v. ; happen, take place bitul ; n. ; birch (tree) bosc ; n. ; forest Brinaldi ; n.prop. ; a name camin ; n. ; way, path ce ; pron.rel. ; who, which ci ; conj. ; than ci ; conj. ; that com ; adv.interr. ; how? com ; adv.rel. ; how, as, like copri ; v. ; cover crusat ; adj. ; closed crus ; v. ; close cufundu ; v. ; confuse, unsettle, alienate, entangle cuit ; v. ; believe cul ; det.dem. ; this, that cumantur ; n. ; commander cuman ; v. ; command cuntra ; prep. ; against cunus ; v. ; know, be acquainted with cupas ; v. ; crush, smash cu ; prep. ; with curun ; n. ; crown da ; v. ; give deu ; v.aux. ; must diclar ; v. ; declare di ; prep. ; of, from diveni ; v. ; become do ; num. ; two Druci ; n.prop. ; a name eli ; pron.pers. ; 3rd person: he, she, it, him, her, them, they e ; v.aux. ; PASS marker e ; v. ; to be, is, are faci ; n. ; face fi ; v.aux. ; make s.o. do s.t. frac ; n. ; scythe fric ; v. ; rub furi ; prep. ; outside fur ; v. ; steal fu ; v.aux. ; PAST PASS marker fu ; v. ; = _e_, irregular PAST gen ; n. ; people, person, man, woman ginrat ; n. ; being, creature ginra ; v. ; create grai ; n. ; sword griman ; n. ; brother, sister, sibling i ; conj. ; and irun ; n. ; day iur ; v. ; swear (an oath) (on:_a_) la ; adv.dem. ; there lamra ; n. ; blade lar ; n. ; home leva se ; v. ; get up, stand up leva ; v. ; rise, raise li ; det.art. ; the mai ; adv. ; never mandat ; adj. ; sent manda ; v. ; send man ; n. ; hand miltar ; n. ; soldier, military person mrut ; adj. ; a lot of mrut ; adv ; many mrut ; adv. ; much, many mrutitat ; n. ; crowd, multitude, large amount of napui ; adv. ; back, backward nduc ; v. ; lead ngeni ; n. ; genius, smart person nimic ; n. ; enemy ni ; prep. ; in, into, on, onto, upon no ; pron.pers. ; 1.pl: we nort ; n. ; north n' ; prep. ; = _ni_ before vowel ocra ; n. ; eye pais ; n. ; country, land panc ; n. ; belly Pau Astra Rabul ; n.prop. ; "Tree Bogy": name of a creature pau ; n. ; father pel ; n. ; skin, hide, fur, pelt pi ci ; conj. ; because pi ; prep. ; for popra ; n. ; people, nation, folk predu ; v. ; lose pren ; n. ; leg priduti ; n. ; perdition, damnation pru ; adv. ; more, again rabul ; n. ; tree racu ; det. ; some, any ram ; n. ; weapon rei ; n. ; king, queen, ruler ritron ; v. ; return sa ; v.aux. ; optative sa ; v. ; let there be ... se ; pron. ; itself, himself, herself, oneself, ... sicrit ; adj. ; secret sim ; adv. ; so, this way sinu ; conj. ; but spus ; n. ; husband, wife, spouse suteni se ; v.refl. ; sustain oneself, be based (on:_ni_), stand (on:_ni_) suteni ; v. ; sustain temu ; v. ; fear tent ; v. ; tempt, entice, lure, attempt, try tenu ; v. ; hold, have tisut ; n. ; fabric, cloth, tissue, textile trai ; v. ; pull tut ; adv. ; all, every u ; conj. ; = _uv_ before consonant un ; det.art. ; a, an un ; num. ; one upur ; conj. ; or us ; n. ; bear uv ; conj. ; where va ; v.aux. ; IMP marker veni ; v.aux. ; FUT marker veni ; v. ; come viac ; v. ; travel viu ; v. ; live, dwell