The god of the winds, who lives under the ground, has given a heart hands and feet, so that there is a human with a seeing heart on the earth. These words believe that those words are with humans named Person, who made the hair of a people led by Person. They make the hair of the led bald people, who are named You. JC has said to the hair of the heart: "you are made from a person". The heart of a person is a gift from the god. The heart doesn't listen anymore to the non-human-made hair. The bald person hasn't said to it: "You are made from a person with the same mother as From A word". Person seizes the heart. The hair sees that Person gives him a pointy stick, and that he's looking for a secret, looking for a path to the heart, and the hair doesn't see the sight given by the god. The heart of the person seizes the hair of the heart of the god. Person speaks to two people and sees one.