*The Wind Spirits in the Middle of the Forest* The Aukuna people believe that there are wind spirits in the middle of the forest, who look like moles with human arms and legs. The wind spirits put a trance on humans who come to the middle of the forest. But long ago, the Aukuna people were two different groups: the forest people, led by Mautla, and the clearing people, led by Sanuna. Once, Sanuna led his people towards the middle of the forest. They encountered Mautla's people, but they were in a trance from the wind spirits and Sanuna's people thought they were sick, which frightened them. Their reaction, in turn, frightened Mautla's people. After that, the two groups were wary of each other. But then Sanuna's sister Idina fell in love with Mautla, and the two leaders decided to mend the rift between their peoples. Mautla gave Idina a knife imbued with a sharpness spell. The two lovers set out to find a secret path through the middle of the forest. They dressed up as children to protect themselves from the trance. Idina cleared the way using the knife, and led the forest people along the path. When they arrived at Sanuna's clearing, Mautla told him: "Lead your people towards the middle of the forest. Tell them to follow the wind spirits. Let the wind spirits put a trance on you, so that you'll behave the way we do." So Sanuna led his people towards the middle of the forest, and they were put in a trance. The forest people came and cared for them, and they learned not to fear the forest people. And Sanuna said, "From now on, we'll work together!"