CHORUS: be sweofa, cilda cilda, be sweofa hrǣde be sweofa in hāda se be sweofa V1 thurha hāda hleaha tu tu oferhleahast dǣga se and dǣga sete wilast to faran hrǣdlīc be sweofa in hāda se V2 hwīla cilda in sweofa bith e sculath far-cnāwan at hwa hrǣdalīc te tu sweofast te tu magast findan frēodenda at frēodenda mana lȳta maniga V3 mana ǣla heordon at tu sete wīlast stīgan at ǣla yfela hwīla lihta hālig afa suna cymath at me maniga, te we sculon unsweofan at tu V4 hwīla tu farast in landa geuncnawed sweofenda wera tu and wyfa tu te we sculed singan for tu te cilda me cymast at us V5 cilda ǣla plegon at se sagath spela ealda te be winca and be sweofa hrǣdalīc cilda gepleged te be cilda sweofenda gо̄da V6 ne be unsweofa tu be sweofa maga ic saga at se hwīla be sweofa cilda gо̄da te finda at gifta hāliga