LCC10 Relay Results - Ring NG: SoNG Ring

Names and Links Conlang Text Smooth English

Lullaby Language

Original Song by Kelvin Jackson

Full Torch (TXT)

Kíraj tektúriu í
Kíraj tektúriu í
Úma kajársu 'mpi tírva he
Kíraj tektúriu í!

Táv'n enunúma ka tíkan tisúver
Kíraj etís, etúam erumáv
Kíu naína vikúra vus súrteku
Kínsat urníram esámati háv!


Ástavi nívum, ki túsam ekvássi
Rúntan ekíru kenáhaten uspán
Túhanu kájasmu sívaj etúturna
Sákastin tákir i, hísti ruám!


Táv teman úrasi ánsi tetúri
Kéruastírvan, kástitis ukúr
Ínma tijíkutu súm uhtisúvrat jus
Kíu kerámat kesúnim han ká!


Now I am putting you to sleep
Now I am putting you to sleep
Tomorrow you will horse around and laugh
(But) now I am putting you to sleep!

The child is walking into and exploring dreamland
Now they are dreaming, (and) their friends are not absent
All (of their) nursing parents look down and protect them
In the morning it will get bright, and they will wake up!

Mother is far away, but will never forget you
Someday your kind father will return
I tell and you imagine sivaj's playing
Close your eyes, dear kiddo!

When I was a child long ago, I liked to sleep
I never wanted to stay up late, I wanted to dream all the time
Many times I hid treasures all around in our shared dreamland
You will find them all if you seek them inside!

Circle Tongue

Translated by Glenn Abastillas.

Full Torch (External Site)

♬ (ðesirir)
Alor emrara
Alor emrara
Alfrit banin el hacin os
Alor emrara

♬ (ðesi marθ)
Alna alnimuniθ alniri bora
Alor nima cuið ilmunavi ras
Nuðar alalla alðaca el alalla tarta
Alifrit ril alerða ri alcuil uniri

(ðesirir ira)

♬ (ðesi cuiθ)
Ilcaruvatar alnifril ra ela arsal menursa
Alumðil ala alensa nis eca alcuið ilala hara ubra
Aliv ilanimien ana alilcuið anon is alcehalnur banes
Ilivavar cita inalna

(ðesirir ira)

♬ (ðesi efrit)
Alna ember emraris
Uniri menor ela nimiri
Nisθril alivumbra ra el alnimuniθ alilcuið anranora
θri saðaca el ilo seðraci

(ðesirir ira)


Translated by Margaret Ransdell-Green.

Torch (DOCX)

Smooth English (DOCX)

Translation of Previous Text (DOCX)

Grammar (DOCX)

Lexicon (XLSX)

In-Universe Notation (JPG)

Bí Ajä (The Song)


Beluky ó lymí
Beluky perí
Beluky séfet,
Ó beluky méní.

Kûlíra banu:

Mójen tuŕasŭkíí,
Mójen her̂akíí,
Beluky ó lymí
Ó beluky méní.

(Alaíra mu)

Béväjóra míŝala
Lymídí naŝetydó.
Ímatíí ŝyta ukanet,
Míŝaky méní.

(Alaíra mu)

Beŕukaapen líet
Xalas móníkaapen,
Anaköla, ŵó ómina
Nó garaítíí ŵö.

(Alaíra mu)

Xeres amma lídí,
Gan bezai betímataap
Defet alaítaap depela
Laié tísû tŭet.

(Alaíra mu)

Tŭet lhö tuŕatapen
xalat deluŝó.
Nelûky ímenet, lymí,

(Alaíra mu)

Be garaíky séfet,
Gan isséky belu.
Vésót Míŝnaímí líö,
Viǵaky, ímaky.

Sleep, o child
Sleep, my child
Sleep now
O sleep now

Tomorrow you can play
Tomorrow you will laugh
Sleep, o child,
O sleep now.

Wandering in a dream,
A child’s discovery
You will find many friends,
Dream now.

They will protect you,
All will guard you.
In the dawn, the sky is white,
When you awaken anew.

Your mother is far,
But she will never forget
Someday she will return home,
To tell you a tale.

A tale where everyone plays like children,
Close your eyes, child,

Don’t wake up now,
But keep sleeping.
A treasure of dreamland for you,
Look, and find.

Ŋarâþ Crîþ

Translated by +merlan #flirora.

Full Torch (Markdown)

Interlinearized Translation

Full Grammar (PDF)

’’c {
    le rilþas; fernas;
    fernas; le rilþas.
    le jonas rilþas;
    le eši rilþas.


šitrit pentarþ en šinrit
envan enven sado þal;
le jonas rilþas; fernas;
le eši rilþas.


samas ar neþreveca
šinen fernał sarħu se.
jonas asmelras so mel
galþans mečares.


šinen navo cemi’ve
roħame varmenive.
ineþen anel cintos
drênit ħarosve.


melco’ve ecljameca
varacrit ndenestave.
ancâŋi c·emiłos roc
nomes gasnelsal.


cirmiþis lê gancêŋes
fenlicþ šinaf šitru þal.
fernas’pe; le cevrame


le drênit cingarime
jonas rilþit denestas.
asmelp·îstelt orocen
dernje mečares.

’’c {
    Sleep, child;
    o child, sleep.
    Sleep now;
    Sleep here.


The day when you will be able to play and laugh
Is tomorrow;
Sleep now, child;
Sleep here.


By wandering into dreams
All children learn.
If you dream now,
You will find many friends.


Everyone will
Protect you and watch you.
In the morning of the white sky,
You will wake up again.


Your [mother/father] is far away,
But they will keep remembering you.
In order to tell you a story,
they will return someday.


In this story they will tell you,
Everyone plays like children.
My child, close your eyes
And make yourself happy.


Don’t wake up;
Keep sleeping now.
In the dreamland,
You will find a hidden treasure.


Translated by John R. Harness.

Full Torch (TXT)

English Translation (TXT)

Vocabulary (PDF)

Grammar (Markdown)

be sweofa, cilda
cilda, be sweofa
hrǣde be sweofa
in hāda se be sweofa

thurha hāda hleaha tu
tu oferhleahast
dǣga se and dǣga
sete wilast to faran
hrǣdlīc be sweofa in hāda se

hwīla cilda in sweofa bith
e sculath far-cnāwan at hwa
hrǣdalīc te tu sweofast
te tu magast findan frēodenda
at frēodenda mana lȳta maniga

mana ǣla heordon at tu
sete wīlast stīgan at ǣla yfela
hwīla lihta hālig afa suna
cymath at me maniga,
te we sculon unsweofan at tu

hwīla tu farast in landa
geuncnawed sweofenda
wera tu and wyfa tu
te we sculed singan for tu
te cilda me cymast at us

cilda ǣla plegon
at se sagath spela ealda
te be winca and be sweofa
hrǣdalīc cilda gepleged
te be cilda sweofenda gо̄da

ne be unsweofa
tu be sweofa maga
ic saga at se
hwīla be sweofa cilda gо̄da
te finda at gifta hāliga

Sleep, child;
child, sleep.
Sleep right now;
sleep right here.

Always laughing just to laugh,
today and onto tomorrow.
But sleep now, child;
sleep right here.


Roaming through their dreams,
what is each child learning?
Now, if you were dreaming,
there you'd find many friends.


Every person is looking out
for you--yes, you!
In the light of the pale morning sky,
we will once again wake you.


Even though you'll be far away,
your parent will still remember you.
Let me sing you a song
so that you might return.


Every child plays
in those well-known stories.
But, my child, close your eyes now,
making yourself cheerful.


Now don't wake up,
now keep sleeping.
May you keep dreaming,
discovering secret treasures.


Translated by Kevin Rae.

Translation (Google Doc)

Nhuuslhu, k’at’ii k’at’ii, nhuuslhu
Nhuuslhu zi'i, xenhuuslhu

Xetl’elu’, Xetl’elu’lu’
K’ak’u de, sihuk’a lhayele
Miibde nhuuslhu zi'i, xenhuuslhu zi'i

Yade inhuushu k’at’iine, ich’at’ikwuhu sade?
Inhuuschi zi'i sade ich’ulhtle k’alumassa
Yiin ik’alumch’a k’ule

Zusuxep’ex yan ziba’at’a k’ak’allhale
Yade exk’a yabaan tlatay ik’a’u
Sade zusuxeulhch’utle

Yade tl’ebak’a willaanne sade tl’ip’at’ewii yade sunhuus
Lhayu lhamaayan de zulhaaw tl’ekne
K’a luk’at’ii zinne

Bilanhe k’at’iilea yan isaw tlat’unat’a de it’un
Ak’lhu lhulh yan nhuuslhu vi’i
Nhuuslhu halhi k’at’ii

Ulhch’ulhu balh, tl’enhuustle k’ustay
T’wilhaaw yade tl’enhuus halhi
Tl’ich’ulh yabaan tlat’ay

Sleep, child child, Sleep
Sleep quickly, be deep asleep

You’re laughing fully, you’re over-laughing
This day, this day passes to night
Therefore sleep quickly, be deep asleep quickly

While a child is asleep what shall he come to know?
Quickly when he sleeps then he can find friendship
With many small friendly people

We protect you and will banish bad spirits
When the holy light of the sun comes to us
Then we shall wake you up

When you go away from the land you have known [while] sleeping
Your father and your mother, then we should sing for you
My child comes to us

Children all play and say old story
Close your eyes and sleep quickly
Sleep well child

Don’t be awake you can sleep powerfully
I sing this while you sleep well child
You find the holy gift


Translated by Daniel Swanson.

Full Torch (TXT)

English Translation (TXT)

Grammar (TXT)

Lexicon (TXT)

anazumaned analidel
anazújañebek anazumaned

anazúthfam tubingel analidel
tythpel le'udimh amha'atel
exow anazújañebek anazumaned

dalidel bandel xow gyxulim
jañbelek bandel tekyth gytháwek
tákthe gel sájde

anatipuxíl; jálxe áthidissot
tóthap foma' ewalabli letisusinh
anazúthfam seláxel

bandi 'eudeumh isjatipel is'udimh
tili dywodel áthidiwulim
ed'en anazú'udimh, analidel

dalidel gykuwíkek angálte gytujíw
tili zó'ax anazú'xomhek anazumaned
anazumaned, analidel

anazuñhláxwan; anazumaned
anilen áthiwulimek isbaned
foma' ewalabli istháwek

I wish you would sleep, child
I wish you would hurry up and sleep

I would like you stop laughing, child
The sun is going towards the moon
Thus I wish you would hurry up and sleep

A sleeping child learns this:
One who hurries and sleeps finds friendship
Friends among the Sajde[1]

I shall protect[2] you; I will make the shadows leave
The Singers'[3] gift of the day is leaving
I hope you will finish selaxing[4]

You are walking sleep's path, which you already know
Your parent(s), we will sing to you
I want you to go, child, away from us

Children playing and telling old stories
I want you to close[5] your eyes and go to sleep
I want you to sleep, child

I don't want you to selax, I want you to sleep
I will sing to you and you will sleep
You will find the Singers' gift

[1] telepathic bonzai trees
[2] really "encircle"
[3] one of the two groups who made the world, along with the Shenaniganders
[4] meaning uncertain
[5] really "hide"


Translated by PastTheStarryVoids.

Torch (Google Doc)

Grammar (Google Doc)

!lir̂t̂ilivdli, ŋ!li!wlin.
!lir̂ǂüsli !lir̂t̂ilivdli.

Verse 1
Dlzälïmhwälï !whatsyam, !whaxökö.
!lir̂ǂüsli !lir̂t̂ilivdli.

Verse 2
Ɲkaxwösalisdlizr̂i ŋ!li!wlin.
Ɲkaʝwaslisitswö ǂwotsr̂äwzr̂ï.
ǂwotsr̂aw ar̂ ǂwogrwä ɲkat̂i.

Verse 3
Dzläψuxwali !whasilkwö ǂwor̂ïl.
!lir̂ψüxnö ŋ!oψwlhïxäcnlï.

Verse 4
!wlo ŋ!ot̂ïxäcn̂yä ɲkaψüxliv.
Södzatsallisn̂ya ŋ!li!hiyürnli.
!lir̂ψüxlivŋψwhi ŋ!li!wlin.

Verse 5
Ɲkalaykalisli ŋ!li!lwin.
!lir̂t̂ilivdli, ŋ!li!wlin.

Verse 6
Ψhiψwlhidazliv; !lir̂t̂iliv.
Ɲkadzatsalŋgalɟʝö; ɲkat̂ilivli.
Katar̂ilösliv ǂwor̂ïl.

May you fall asleep, little one.
Swiftly may you fall asleep.

Verse 1
May you finish laughing.
The sun is setting, O moon.
Swiftly may you fall asleep.

Verse 2
The little one learns.
They find friends.
Friends among the tree spirits, while sleeping.

Verse 3
I will protect you.
The daytime of the Shining Spirits is leaving.
May your fear leave.

Verse 4
You walk along sleep.
Your parent will sing.
May you walk away, little one.

Verse 5
The little one plays.
May you close your eyes.
May you fall asleep, little one.

Verse 6
May you not be afraid now; may you sleep.
I sing and you sleep.
May the Shining Spirits shine upon you.

Archaic Arettian

Translated by Gabriel Swai.

Torch (PDF)

Grammar (PDF)

Word List (PDF)

nosgauh atwu gotizmez, thajro juhaz.
nosgauh atwu gotizmez poːstuhaz.

Verse 1
nosgauh atjeːngeː gotizjekwew.
nosgauh ratheːn ratophiztedeːw ratophizmanes, thajro sekwew.”
nosgauh atwu gotizmez poːstuhaz.

Verse 2
juhaz atmah ijutopgamez nesataʁ.
ihjured ijutohmatataʁ.
ihjured ijutohgawu pah rattetkha.

Verse 3
noskoːzez mas get.
nosgauh ratheːn ratophizhekteχ sekhasget.
nosgauh gotiztotu atras.

Verse 4
getbaba ijutopkotiχget.
nosgauh gotizwu, thajro juhaz.

Verse 5
juhaz ijutopgahaːkh.
nosgauh gotizazhuhzez getsaːnahaːkh.
nosgauh atwu gotizmez, thajro juhaz.

Verse 6
nosgauh gotiztotu atras; nosgauh gotizwu.
nosiztiχget; gotizwu gotizmanes.
nosgauh sekwew sektophabaːt mas get.

I want you to start sleeping, child.
I want you to start sleeping quickly.

Verse 1
I want you to stop laughing.
I want to see the sun set, moon.
I want you to start sleeping quickly.

Verse 2
The child is starting to understand my words.
Friends were found.
Friends at the tree are sleeping.

Verse 3
I will protect you.
I want the sun to leave the sky.
I want you to not feel fear.

Verse 4
You do not sleep.
Your mother will sing to you.
I want you to sleep, child.

Verse 5
The child plays.
I want you to close your eyes.
I want you to start sleeping, child.

Verse 6
I want you to not feel fear; I want you to sleep.
I sing to you; I see you fall asleep.
I want the moon to shine on you habitually.


Translated by Enrique Gamez.

Full Torch (PDF)

Smooth English and Translation of Previous Torch

Emb wan woma im suti gum belsar
Emb bren woma im suti tumbatar
Emb wan woma im suti gum belsar
Emb ho woma im suti tumbatar

Wamba Liba
Emb ho engi gum wur
Ahon gum irur
Safropa, emb ho bilfen safer guró
Bilfen sal imo
Safer wan bendo
Emb ho woma im suti tumbatar

Wamba Wera
Emb de bombwes bli
Bomba ewarni
Holumumb pin bomba emeri lem
Emeri suti
Beralumb rofi
Gwéro emb ho suti tumbatar

Wamba Erend
Pin wan bilfen emb
De sefro esefem
Wohiró defangore de bilfen
Safer wan belsar
Fangi tumbatar
Gor isrend, sal wan bilfen mopiró emb

Wamba Onda
Emb de suti wur
De mopimo irur
Bibi lem wan sefro mopiró emb
Pin wan sefro gum
Ho neri egelum
Emb wan woma im suti belsar, emund

Wamba Dlir
Emb de durndi gum
Ho neri egelum
Emb bren woma im suti tumbatar
Alfor gum ebomi
Ho woma im suti
Emb wan woma im suti belsar, emund

Wamba Twar
Ho ismendo wur gum
Ho nodlimo pinumb
Pin wan sefro mopiró emb gwehar
Emb de suti gum
Rum neri egelum
Suwi safropwa, emb ho deli saler

I hope you'll go to sleep now
You should go to sleep immediately
I hope you'll go to sleep now
Go to sleep immediately

Verse 1
Don't laugh now
Nor shout
Moon, carry away the sun
Make it so that
The sun sets
Go to sleep immediately

Verse 2
You're listening to what I say
Understanding my words
Over there I see your friends
Your friends sleep
Happy in a tree
So go to sleep immediately

Verse 3
I will carry you
Singing melodies
I'll keep you safe the whole time 1
I hope that the sun
Will go immediately
It will carry you off to sleep without fear

Verse 4
You are not sleeping
Nor are you feeling tired
Your mother will sing you to sleep
I will sing now
Cover those eyes
I hope you'll go to sleep, child

Verse 5
You are playing now
Cover those eyes
You should go to sleep immediately
Keep your hands still
Go to sleep
I hope you'll go to sleep, child

Verse 6
Don't be afraid now
Relax with me
I will sing you to sleep like so
You are sleeping now
Having covered those eyes
Moonlight, rain on this child


Translated by Nicolás Campi.

Full Torch (DOCX)

Ippēk ma nabulimeš,
ma nabulitzin tepil!
ma nabulitzin tepil!
ippēk ma nabulimeš,
nabuli ma tepil!

Mō kwali ma rok!
Ipānam, ižwan Ahep
in šivalba ixwuim.
Mō hali ma rok!
Nabuli ma tepil.

Aita ma poltin pam!
ari pal nimištin mam,
izippa kettin bulim ipzil.
Aita ma poltin pam!
Nabuli ma tepil.

Ahpum pal so simil.
Ahep waneš ippēk tepil,
mōnte nuwi ma kil ižbulim.
Ahpumeš xeōwi hunil,
nabuli ma tepil!

Ma bulim mō rok.
Nateš mam simileš
ai kil ižbulimeš.
Ma imbulim mō rok,
nabuli ma tepil!

Pal nasimileš rok,
kupek ritin mam.
Ippēk ma nabulimeš, muški.
Pal nasimileš rok,
nabuli ma tepil!

Ma titorim rok.
Kupek ritin mam!
Ippēk ma nabulimeš, muški!
Kupek titorim rok,
nabuli ma tepil!

Mō nuwi ma rok,
buli rok soppan.
Pal inna nabulim simileš,
mō nuwi ma rok.
Nabuli ma tepil!

Bulim ma rok.
Kupekan ritin mam.
Ipānamtēši, muri une ke.


Translated by Yoshimidsu.

Torch (PDF)

Script Overview (PDF)

Grammar (Google Doc)

Vocabulary (Google Doc)

būs dramesi,
dramjēs mohs!
dramjēs mohs!
sīet būs dramesi,
dram mohs!

me smejaesi nu!
loušnā, nake sōlym
en antioi djēwdomys.
me rywdaesi nu
dram mohs!

šlaw vekysa mea!
welemi brātarms tujoms,
swapynt prijbar dori.
šlaw vekysa mea!
dram mohs!

kap meom komerkym.
sōl wargeetor ōkjā,
is syne agysys tue swapeiti.
būt salwytenā nesasi,
dram mohs!

ne dramsi nu.
mātarm tujām būt is
arketi swapeietike.
ne dramsi nu,
dram mohs!

nu būm arkemi,
tynče okyms tui.
sīet būesi swapysi, barny.
nu būm arkemi,
dram mohs!

nu laikasi.
tynče okyms tui!
sīet būesi swapysi!
me laika nu,
dram mohs!

me āgso nu,
nu swapjēs kom moī.
tomde drammi būs arkesi
me nu bibājeetar.
dram mohs!

swap nu.
gard okyms tui.
mēnlewks, warsjēs an’ im.
swap nu!

Lullaby Language

Translated by Kelvin Jackson.

Ran keturi, kiraj saturi, ran saturi i!
Ansi t'mauku, kiraj keturi, ran saturi i!

Saruhaprai, tivan et'r apai vus, ran saturi i!
Sarujampi, urkat ehampir ja, ran saturi i!

Keruturi kiraj!
Tivan esurteku k'nivum,
Ekturiu i!

Taumari kiu ketav, tejuru, eturi muhtakat!
Terisun, apai etukan paru ja, ki ekiru isinti!
Ekturiu i kura vus, sarumisan!
Satmiruk! Ran saturi i!

Teksurteku, tav!
Sakastin takir i turi!
Saturi i!

Kiraj kajarsu mpi terva, tav, ki takir sakastin i!
Saruarsu, ansi tekkairi, ran saturi i!

Sarumisan, tuhtat kemiria, ran saturi i!
Runtan teturi, runtan ketsurteku, ran saturi i!

Sakastin takir i, tivan eniram, ran saturi i!

You'll sleep soon, sleep now, go to sleep soon!
I really wish you would sleep now, go to sleep soon!

Don't giggle, the moon chases the sun downwards, go to sleep soon!
Don't cry, it falls away from the sky, go to sleep soon!

You aren't sleeping now!
The moon protects your mother,
It puts you to sleep!

Listen to me!
I see all the (other) children, I love them, they (can) sleep in a tree!
Listen to me!
I sing, the sun rapidly flees away, but returns every time!
Listen to me!
It puts you to sleep and looks down on you, don't be afraid!
Listen to me! Go to sleep soon!

I will protect you, child!
Close your eyes and sleep!
Go to sleep!

Now you are horsing around and laughing, child, but close your eyes!
Don't horse around, I beg you, go to sleep soon!

Don't be afraid, you are curled up in my bed, go to sleep soon!
Someday I will be sleeping, someday you will protect me, go to sleep soon!

Close your eyes, the moon is bright, go to sleep soon!